Our customers made these suggestions for improving Most Wanted Amplenote Plugins. Suggestions for improving Most Wanted Amplenote Plugins.
Drawing or Sketch capability
Plugin that would allow us to draw directly in the program and have the drawing be a note, or be able to add the drawing to a note.
Obsidian has a similar plugin ...
Notion Integration
I would like to couple the Notion API with the Amplenote API. Since I use Notion for my project management. I put projects into quarters and also use the Gantt view ...
Support HTML/iFrame content as "Note Banners"
Moderator edit June 11th 2023: changed title to describe basic plugin capability instead.
Enliven your Amplenote notes with custom, Notion-style page banners ...
Tags Everywhere
Capability to add tags anywhere within a Jot, Note, Etc., then have those tags be added to the document retroactively.
Agenda (create notes from external events)
A plugin that auto creates a daily agenda within in the daily jot. For example:
- Let's say I have three appointments or meetings on a certain day in my Outlook or ...
API: Event Listeners
It would be nice for a plugin to be able to register listeners for events. Given the relatively static nature of the current plugin system I'm not sure what that ...
API: Support CSS for Plugin Output
It would be nice to be able to define CSS that will be applied to any plugin output. This seems a super set of the Table Cell Visualization request as this would be ...
API: Scheduled plugins
Similar to Event Listeners, it would be nice to be able to set a plugin to run on a certain schedule. Would definitely need limits so supporting, for example, the ...
API: Add support for setting table cell visualizations
It would be nice to be able to programmatically set the various table cell options, like alignment and highlighting when outputting note contents that contain tables. ...
Plugin capability: Allow plugins to register hotkeys
Allow a plugin to register a hotkey that can call "insertText" or other Actions.
An example use case from Discord:
"Sure. Examples only: ctrl 1 would insert ...
Interpret dates in templates
A plugin that inserts a template at the current position and replaces any dates found between {curly braces}.
Would require a menu that lets the user choose a note.