Notion Integration

4 votes

I would like to couple the Notion API with the Amplenote API. Since I use Notion for my project management. I put projects into quarters and also use the Gantt view there. From there I have it linked with another time blocking app.

But I would like to use the Jots, Notes and Tasks system from Amplenote and connect it with my Notion database.

Some things I would like to connect are:
- When a task is created in Amplenote, I want it to be auto-created in my Inbox database of Notion
- Auto-update/sync scheduled date, deadline date, important/urgent status
- When a task is completed in Amplenote, I want it to also be completed in Notion

Under consideration no-plugin-support Suggested by: Akash Upvoted: 04 Feb Comments: 0

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