"Review notes" plugin

6 votes

A plugin that randomly resurfaces 10 notes every day for review. Check out MyMind's "Serendipity" feature for inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTWM-fwFMlw.

1. Shown as a Daily Jot suggestion, the plugin can be invoked to start the 10-note review process (number of notes should be configurable)
2. Notes that are chosen for review shuold be older (last edited date) than 6 months (period should be configurable)
3. Notes should be chosen at random, but we should give higher probability to untagged notes
4. The plugin displays every note one at a time, showing the option to (A) Remove, (B) Keep and (C) Visit Note
5. Removing a note doesn't actually remove it, just applies a tag called "reviews/to-be-deleted" (tag name should be configurable)
6. Keeping a note does nothing to it
7. We should display each note with its title, the first few rows of its content and an image (if any)

Done 💰bounty Suggested by: Lucian Upvoted: 09 Sep, '24 Comments: 3

Comments: 3