Generate a note that is a categorized directory of published notes

25 votes

1. Create plugin with A) tag filter option (ideally "tag filter" is a type of input that I am prompted for during each invocation, and where the previous choice is remembered when I next invoke) B) Output order option
2. Loop over all notes in tag
3. Grab the title of notes that were published
4. Use AI to decide which note titles belong together in categories?
5. Create a new note (or update an existing version of the output note) that lists all published notes based on the order the user selected.

If AI can group them into categories, so much the better, but as long as all published notes are sorted by [whatever, like "most recently published"] within a note that I can subsequently publish, I have the makings of a blog index page. That is, one can just publish the generated note, and make the index the homepage of a web site that is also a de facto blog.

Done 💰bounty Suggested by: Bill Upvoted: 13 Aug, '24 Comments: 4

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