Allow inline image optimization (show image size to know when optimization is advisable)
Anyone that has worked with animated gifs knows that page load times can quickly become a problem, especially for those without the luxury of city broadband connections.
Published notes almost never need images larger than 500kb, and having such images in a note can make it slow to load for those in low or medium-bandwidth environments. For this plugin, parse all images in a note and replace them with smaller versions if they are bigger than 500kb.
There are probably many image APIs that could be called to accomplish this, but the scaling can possibly also be done directly in Javascript with an image object? Uploading the revised image might use
Comments: 3
05 Oct, '23
Lucian Admin👋 To all plugin developers:
Amplenote has allocated up to $1,000 to be paid to a developer who implements this idea effectively enough to generate 700 plugin installs or 15 upvotes (whichever comes first). Email for more details on the terms. Developers must reside within a country that can legally receive payments from the US. -
27 Jan, '24
HariThis plugin is ready and available to use from Amplenote's Plugin Directory at Do try it out and share your feedback!
04 Feb, '24
Harikrishnan GThis plugin is now available for use in amplenote plugin directory. Plugin name is Imagenie